BPO / KPO segment in India has emerged as one of the most preferred destinations for companies looking to offshore their IT and back-office functions due to cost arbitrage, availability of skilled manpower and a favorable business environment. Given that the industry is highly dependent on the talent pool, effective talent management is critical to the success of a company.

We help solve the hiring problem
Over the last two decades, BPO industry has expanded to include many services like games process outsourcing (GPO), Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO), design outsourcing and legal process outsourcing, amongst others. Although, the number of engineers and technocrats are quite high in India but the contradiction lies in the employability in the existing pool. In view of the above aspects, the hiring cost per employee by the Indian outsourcing companies was escalated considerably and this created job attrition rate considerably, thereby losing the cost-competitiveness.

Given that the industry is highly dependent on the talent pool, effective talent management is critical to the success of a company. We at hCapital have handled all the positions in this sector across all the domains including, Operations, Training and Quality, Technology Roles and Managerial Positions.

Our Forte

  • Operations
  • Transition & Migrations
  • Analytics
  • Quality
  • Client Processing
  • Captive Unit
  • International Business Development
  • Process Flow Analysis
  • HRO